The Unwritten Rules to Recovery

Injury can be a frustrating, confusing, and challenging time. There is an overwhelming amount of new information thrown around, feelings of uncertainty about the next steps, and little time to make big decisions.

It’s important to remember that YOU have a say in your treatment plan. In fact, you are the center of it. This means asking questions, thinking about your goals and long-term health, and gathering a trustworthy team of people who can help you through the process.

Here are some tips to empower you during the injury and rehabilitation process!

  • Gather info from the experts. Ask lots of questions and discuss concerns.

  • Identify your goals. Is your sport/activity your focus or something else in life?

  • Communicate! Make sure your opinions are being heard. You are an essential part of the decision making team.

  • Incorporate your values. Is this sport/activity an integral part of your identity, your mental health, etc.?

  • Take your time. Make sure you are provided enough time to make decisions in developing your treatment plan.

  • Consider your long-term health and wellness. What do you want your activity level and physical health to look like in the future?


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